Weekly Summary 24 January 2025

Key decisions/actions this week

  • Dropping in shed feed for mixed age cows 5.0 or greater and R2/R3's 5.5 or greater to 0.5 kg/day; feeding rates to stay the same for the remainder of the cows.

  • No paddocks out for conservation this week as growth was below demand.

  • Reduced target allocation to 19 kg DM/day based on milk production and ongoing challenges hitting residual.

  • Started identifying low producing cows for potential culling as soon as first pregnancy scan is completed early Feb, including one cow to be culled immediately based in production and BCS.

  • Weigh It Up (VetSouth) Weighed the R2 animals last week with 7% sitting in the action" group – will discuss a plan with vets for these animals. Current mob average of 381kg and growing at 0.9 kg/day since the last weigh.

  • Discussed N fertiliser options for if it goes dry – decision made that we would stop applications if it goes dry and recommence when there was sufficient moisture for good growth and N response.

  • Reviewed our effluent applications and will be working with the team to utilise the effluent nutrients as efficiently as possible.

  • N applications going onto new grass paddocks and swede crops this week.

  • New grass paddocks sprayed last week and slug bait applied by drone to the swedes.

  • Plan in place for putting together autumn and winter feed budgets for each farmlet.